


BlogiNote is flexible enough to meet your needs, it provides different ways to set the project.

App Config

You can set some properties for the whole website at the app.config.ts file


all configurations about BlogiNote is under the bloginote property

the default values of these properties are shown below, you can rewrite some of them at the app.config.ts of your project.

export default defineAppConfig({
  bloginote: {
    meta: {
      name: 'BlogiNote',
      description: 'A Nuxt theme for showing blog posts and snippet notes with flexible layouts and multiple optimizations.',
      author: 'Benbinbin',
      url: ''
    author: 'Benbinbin',
    email: '',
    avatar: '/default-avatar.png',
    favicon: '/default-favicon.ico',
    homePage: {
      showBlogPosts: true,
      postItemLimit: 5
    subscribePage: true,
    articlePage: {
      showTime: true,
      outdated: {
        show: true,
        threshold: 30
      showCatalog: true

the sub properties under the bloginote.meta property set the metadata for your project:

  • name property sets the name of website (show at the browser tab)
  • description property sets the description of the website
  • author property sets the author name of the website

    the author property under the bloginote property is the same

  • url property is the domain of your website

email property sets the email of the author

avatar property sets the logo at the left side of the header navbar, and favicon property set the icon of your website in the browser tab

the sub properties under the bloginote.homePage property set the behavior for home page:

  • showBlogPosts property is used to set whether to display blog posts list at home page
  • postItemLimit property limit the number of posts shown in each category.

subscribePage property is used to set whether to display the subscribe button on the header navbar

the sub properties under the bloginote.articlePage property set the behavior for all article pages:

  • showTime property is used to set whether to display the timestamp of an article (the created time and the last updated time)
  • property and outdated.threshold property are used to set whether to display outdated warning of the article, and the outdated days threshold.
    the default value is 30 that means the outdated warning will show and the article outdated days threshold is 30 days (after it created or the latest updated time).
  • showCatalog property is used to set whether to display the catalog of the article by default (when the page open first)

Front Matter

You can add some metadata for the special article by add some YAML within --- three dashes at the top of the markdown file, these contents call Front Matter.


We won't see this metadata after the markdown file convert to the website page. So you shouldn't worry about the "dirty" header will make the article in a mess.

It is written in a special format called YAML or YML, this format is make up of a list of key: value pairs.

There are some properties you can use to configure the page interface and interactive behavior:

  • title property is used to set the title of article
  • cover property is used to set the cover of the article
  • nextArticleNamenextArticleUrl property is used to set the title and the file path of the next relative article (use the relative path, and ignore the file extension .md)
  • prevArticleName and prevArticleUrl property is used to set the title and the file path of the previous relative article (use the relative path, and ignore the file extension .md)
  • series property is used to set the specific series that the article belongs to
  • tags property is used to set the tags for the article, the value is an array, allowing you to add multiple tags to an article.
  • showCatalog property is used to set whether the table of contents of the article is displayed by default (when the article page is first opened), the value can be set as true or false
  • created property is used to set the creation time of the article, the value should be a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2023-02-01
  • updated property is used to set the updated time of the article, the value should be a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2023-02-01
  • showTime property is used to set whether to display the timestamp of an article (the created time and the last updated time), the value can be set as true or false
  • showOutdatedWarning property is used to set whether to display a warning about the timeliness of the article when it is being viewed, the value can be set as true or false.

Refer to this article for specific information and configuration examples of each Front Matter property mentioned above

Copyright © 2024 Benbinbin

Theme BlogiNote

Icons from Icônes