This tutorial will show your how to setup a project with BlogiNote step-by-step.
This tutorial will show you how to write an article.
MDC 是 MarkDown Components extended syntax 的缩写,表示 MarkDown 组件拓展语法,它将 Vue 组件内嵌到 markdown 文件中,拓展了这种文件的能力边界。
MDC stand for MarkDown Components extended syntax, it expand the edge of the ability of Markdown by embedding the Vue components.
该教程会向你介绍 BlogiNote 中神奇的交互。
This article show some magic interaction about BlogiNote.
BlogiNote 是灵活多变的,可满足你多种需求,它提供多种方式对项目进行配置。
BlogiNote is flexible enough to meet your needs, it provides different ways to set the project.
该教程会向你介绍如何为你的网站设置 RSS 订阅和网站地图 sitemap。
This tutorial will show you how to set up RSS feed and sitemap for your website.
BlogiNote 是一个 Nuxt Content 主题,它可以解析 .md、.csv 或 .json 文件生成静态网页。
BlogiNote is Nuxt Content Theme, it can generate static web pages by parsing .md, .csv and .json files.
Markdown is a lightweight markup language, you can add some marks to plain text and convert them to rich and more semantics content.
Markdown 是一种「轻量级」的标记语言,为纯文本添加一些标记就可以将它们转换为更具语义化的富文本。
A collection of frequent ask questions.